Президент Украины Владимир Зеленский в вечернем обращении анонсировал введение санкций в отношении правительства Грузии. Это станет юридическим ответом на действия грузинских властей по разгону акций протеста. По мнению украинского лидера, «власть в Грузии толкает страну на очевидную зависимость от России».
A participant in the war in Ukraine, 48-year-old Akhmed Dzhabrailov, died in the Soviet police department of Makhachkala. His parents said that he behaved aggressively and ran with a knife on the roof.
Dzhabrailov was allegedly under the influence of drugs. This was reported by member of the Public Chamber of the Republic Shamil Khadulaev. A SVO member has died.
According to Dzhabrailov's parents, he was in an inadequate state and did not recognize his mother. He even asked what her rank was. Passers-by called the police after Dzhabrailov began running with a knife on the roof of the house. Before this, he tried to strangle his father. During the arrest, the young man resisted the security forces, who handcuffed him and tried to put him in a car.